inlingua Porto, founded in 1978, has been running high-quality Portuguese courses for almost 40 years. All aspects of language and culture are covered. However we give special emphasis to oral communication skills: speaking and understanding - so normally it is in these areas where you will make the most progress. Without complicated grammatical explanations, we aim to teach the language through speaking, through examples, through dialogues, and through roleplay. All lessons take place exclusively in Portuguese and you will soon feel confident to use Portuguese both socially and at work. Facilities include: 8 comfortable, air-conditioned classrooms- each with natural light and double glazing free wi-fi in all rooms/computer room with computers for student access / café/bar area for students to socialize and take a break between lessons/smoker's veranda / small library for student use (books, DVDs) / car-park in front of school/bus and metro stops next to school / café downstairs cafés and restaurants nearby / shops and supermarkets nearby
Oficina de Português opened in 2009 right in the city center and has devoted to teaching Portuguese as a second language ever since. Our programmes focus on all language skills necessary to communicate in Portuguese in the shortest time possible. Our approach to teaching is eclectic and this shows in our lessons as we give our students the confidence and the skills to effectively communicate and understand language in context. Students should expect lessons held in a friendly atmosphere with highly skilled teachers. Students can choose from a variety of general language programmes that range from extensive to intensive courses. Oficina de Português also offers a weekly calendar of social activities that are intended to work as outdoor lessons. These enable our students to the city and at the same time to put Portuguese to practice while still counting on one of our teachers for support. Our facilities include a student/ teacher lounge with coffee and water. We also offer study materials that students may borrow.
Kurs języka portugalskiego w Portugalii był fantastyczny! Zajęcia były angażujące, a nauczyciele byli świetni. Lokalizacja była malownicza, udogodnienia były niezbędne. Świetnie się bawiłem i miałem bardzo dobre doświadczenie more
Podobała mi się logika tygodniowego programu, łącząca od samego początku dużą ilość rozmów po portugalsku z podstawami gramatyki. Znajomość innych języków przez nauczycieli była bardzo przydatna. Szkoła jest dobrze położona w najstarszej części... more
Niezależnie od tego, czy jesteś uczniem, biznesmenem czy podróżnikiem, istnieje kurs języka w Porto w sam raz dla Ciebie. Prowadzone są kursy portugalskiego na wszystkich poziomach zaawansowania, dla każdego wieku i o pożądanej długości. Po prostu wybierz rodzaj kursu z listy poniżej aby rozpocząć.