Art House training center was established in 2009. The center works towards the development and enhancement of professional and practical skillsets which will enable students to increase their competitiveness in the labor market both in Armenia and abroad. The education is implemented by highly qualified specialist-tutors, who together with their experience, knowledge and skills are leading specialists in Armenia. Art House LLC itself includes: • Art House Training Center • Art House Language Center • Art House Design School. Art House Training Center is located in the center of Yerevan (33 Abovyan), near the Yeritasardakan Subway Station and is easily reachable from the outskirts of the city. All classrooms are fully equipped and furnished with latest technology for teaching and learning including internet access. The Center offers such courses as: Conversational English Business English Medical English English for Lawyers English for Economists TOEFL IELTS French Spanish Italian German Russian Chinese Armenian Our service quality guarantees is the frequent contact of several thousand graduates and the ongoing cooperation of more than two dozen international and local companies with the centre, namely: • The Armenian brunch of '' World Vision'' international company • Armenian Missionary Association of America • “Near East Foundation” Armenian Brunch • Armenian Red Cross society • Tufenkian Foundation • ''Kasa'' Swiss humanitarian foundation Armenia • Franch Armenian Development Faundation (FADF) • “SOAR” Armenia Foundation • "People in Need" Charitable Non-Governmental Organization, Representative Office in Armenia, etc.
STEP Beyond Borders może sprawić, że Twoja podróż do nauki języka będzie bardziej zorientowana na wyniki, szybsza i przyjemniejsza dzięki wykwalifikowanym nauczycielom i trenerom gotowym ujawnić uczniom nie tylko językowe, ale także kulturowe aspekty uczenia się. Ćwiczenie języka nigdy nie było łatwiejsze niż u nas dzięki naszej metodologii i nieformalnym szkoleniom dla nastolatków i dorosłych. Kursy języka rosyjskiego, armeńskiego, angielskiego, francuskiego i chińskiego oferowane w SBB łączą: • interaktywne szkolenia językowe, • rozwój umiejętności mówienia i komunikacji, • umiejętności pisania i korespondencja korporacyjna, • gramatykę i słownictwo, • dyskusyjny klub filmowy. Oprócz nauki języka uczniowie mają możliwość poznawania kultury ormiańskiej i jej starożytnej historii, ćwiczyć naukę języka u miejscowych (rosyjski, angielski, ormiański), odbyć lekcje gotowania z kuchni ormiańskiej, doświadczyć ormiańskich tańców ludowych i szeregu działań kulturalnych. Weź udział w kolejnej przygodzie! Czekamy na Ciebie w samym sercu słonecznego miasta Erywań, oferując dni, które warto zapamiętać na zawsze. UWAGA: Lokalizacja szkoły może się różnić w zależności od sezonu i zależy od liczby odwiedzających uczniów. Przed dokonaniem rezerwacji hotelu sprawdź lokalizację.
Established in 2004, Educa Language Center has a large number of language programs for adults, children and teenagers. There are different formats of learning: offline or online, group or individual, conversation clubs, corporate training etc. More than 18 years in the education sector, effective approaches and modern methods in our educational process are the key points to the success of our center. Since our foundation, we have successfully taught more than 29,000 trainees and the staff of about 300 companies.
This Language Center is one of the most experienced Language Centers of Armenia which has been founded in 2010 in teaching English (general English, technical fields, IELTS/TOEFL) ,German, Russian, Armenian and Persian Languages and after school activity (assist kids with school assignments such as Math, languages, biology..) for students. We are highly glad to inform you that our language center is surrounded by extremely professional and skilled teachers. The aim of our language center is to be improved day by day and to extend our students by helping them to be more proffessional in their education. Our language center is famous for teaching ENGLISH ,GERMAN and ARMENIAN Languages ,because Armenian language is one of the most difficult languages in the world ,so it is really complicated for foreigners therefore we created a very practical teaching system. Recently , we have organized special preparation courses for the children who want to enroll in Armenian schools and they need not only Armenian language courses but also general information about Armenian educational system and different schools(elementry , middle school and high school). Horizon of Expectation Language Center would be glad and ready to assist all students to achieve their goals in every stages of their lives.
Polyglot Education centre is situated in the city of Yerevan, Garegin Njdeh squire, Manandyan 22. The purpose of our centre is to provide perfect language teaching as well as to prepare students for international exams. Upon its foundation the center offers lessons for General English, German, Spanish, French, Russian, Persian, TOEFL, IELTS . The center is ready to cooperate with companies willingly organizing lessons for the employees. We offer new interactive programs and modern language teaching methods. Our lessons are carried out in a unique way each language is taught in that language. We tend to improve all four competences (speaking, writing, reading and listening) simultaneously. The lecturers are qualified. Benefits We ensure our students with the following benefits • Efficient language learning with qualified specialists • Learn to think and speak in that language • Overcome the language barrier • Special programs (emphasizing speaking competences) • Flexible schedule • Modern interactive methods • Education in accordance with European standards
English with Laura is a language learning center with modern methods. We teach at 80+ tech companies, like Adobe, TeamViewer, Picsart, etc. Mission Our mission is to inspire and guide people to learn languages. Vision Our vision is to help people communicate freely in English on the international level. Philosophy Once a student or a partner, always a friend. Services At English with Laura, we provide English classes to individuals as well as businesses. With us, students can benefit from General English, Business English, Business English for tech people. We provide in-house or online language classes. Trainers From 8 countries around the world:
Uczę się niemieckiego w centrum edukacyjnym Polyglot już od 6 miesięcy. Jedną z rzeczy, które uwielbiam w nauce w centrum Polyglot, jest wysoka jakość nauczania. Mój nauczyciel, Marine Semerjyan, zaczął ze mną rozmawiać po niemiecku od pierwszego... more
Zacząłem studia z mężem w październiku 2017 roku, oboje pracujemy, ale w Polyglot Elya znajdź dla nas odpowiedni czas! Lekcja była tak interesująca, podekscytowana, że czas płynie tak szybko, nawet po ciężkim dniu pracy czujemy się pełni energii na... more
Niezależnie od tego, czy jesteś uczniem, biznesmenem czy podróżnikiem, istnieje kurs języka w Erywań w sam raz dla Ciebie. Prowadzone są kursy angielskiego na wszystkich poziomach zaawansowania, dla każdego wieku i o pożądanej długości. Po prostu wybierz rodzaj kursu z listy poniżej aby rozpocząć.