Nine Star Enterprises, Inc

125 West 5th Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska 99501, USA

Kursy języka


Popularne szkoły języka !of Angielski w pobliżu Nine Star Enterprises, Inc


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125 West 5th Avenue
Alaska 99501

Lokalizacja szkoły

To, co obecnie jest znane jako Nine Star Enterprise, zostało założone w 1976 roku jako szeroko zakrojona instytucja szkoleniowa. Pierwsze biura znajdowały się na terenie kampusu Alaska Pacific University. W grudniu 1994 r. Nine Star zakończyła ostateczne formalności związane z przejęciem własnego budynku w centrum Anchorage przy 125 West Fifth Avenue.

W ostatnich latach Nine Star założyła biura w siedmiu lokalizacjach na południowo-wschodniej Alasce - Mountain View, w centrum miasta, w czterech biurach w centrum Anchorage i w Wasilla.


Pytania i odpowiedzi

Masz pytania? Uzyskaj odpowiedzi od personelu i byłych studentów (Nine Star Enterprises, Inc).

Zadaj pytanie

"Hello. I speak English but badly. Not enough grammar. Tell me please, how much is the training, how much time? I am in Russia, but I would like to live in Alaska while learning a language."

Дмитрий Stolyar, formularz ucznia Rosja
Sandra, Nine Star Education & Employment Services school representative (Director, Adult Basic Education)

We are a non-profit organization that provides ESL classes for individuals living in the Anchorage area. If you move to the Anchorage area and are interested in classes, stop by our office for more detailed information.

Czy było to pomocne? Tak

"Hi, I would like to know more about the courses, prices and fees"

Luisa Zilli, formularz ucznia Brazylia
Sandra, Nine Star Education & Employment Services school representative (Director, Adult Basic Education)

We are a non-profit organization that provides ESL classes and GED prep for individuals living in the Anchorage area. Classes are $40/session. If you move to the Anchorage area and are interested in classes, stop by our office for more detailed information.

Czy było to pomocne? Tak

"Que duración tiene el curso, cuando comienzan"

Juan Pablo Miserendino, formularz ucznia Brazylia
Sandra, Nine Star Education & Employment Services school representative (Director, Adult Basic Education)

We are a non-profit organization that provides ESL classes for individuals living in the Anchorage area. Classes are 8-10 weeks long and meet 4 days/week. The cost of classes is $40/session. If you live in the Anchorage area and are interested in classes, stop by our office for more detailed information.

Czy było to pomocne? Tak

"Que duración tiene el curso, cuando comienzan"

Juan Pablo Miserendino, formularz ucznia Brazylia
Sandra, Nine Star Education & Employment Services school representative (Director, Adult Basic Education)

We are a non-profit organization that provides ESL classes for individuals living in the Anchorage area. Classes are 8-10 weeks long and meet 4 days/week. The cost of classes is $40/session. If you live in the Anchorage area and are interested in classes, stop by our office for more detailed information.

Czy było to pomocne? Tak

"Que duración tiene el curso, cuando comienzan"

Juan Pablo Miserendino, formularz ucznia Brazylia
Sandra, Nine Star Education & Employment Services school representative (Director, Adult Basic Education)

We are a non-profit organization that provides ESL classes for individuals living in the Anchorage area. Classes are 8-10 weeks long and meet 4 days/week. The cost of classes is $40/session. If you live in the Anchorage area and are interested in classes, stop by our office for more detailed information.

Czy było to pomocne? Tak

"Que duración tiene el curso, cuando comienzan"

Juan Pablo Miserendino, formularz ucznia Brazylia
Sandra, Nine Star Education & Employment Services school representative (Director, Adult Basic Education)

We are a non-profit organization that provides ESL classes for individuals living in the Anchorage area. Classes are 8-10 weeks long and meet 4 days/week. The cost of classes is $40/session. If you live in the Anchorage area and are interested in classes, stop by our office for more detailed information.

Czy było to pomocne? Tak

"Que duración tiene el curso, cuando comienzan"

Juan Pablo Miserendino, formularz ucznia Brazylia
Sandra, Nine Star Education & Employment Services school representative (Director, Adult Basic Education)

We are a non-profit organization that provides ESL classes for individuals living in the Anchorage area. Classes are 8-10 weeks long and meet 4 days/week. The cost of classes is $40/session. If you live in the Anchorage area and are interested in classes, stop by our office for more detailed information.

Czy było to pomocne? Tak