Kingsbrook Idiomas
Carrer Equador 82, Barcelona, 08029, Spain
Kingsbrook Idiomas
Słuchanie, Przemawiając, wymowa, czytanie, pisanie, słownictwo i gramatyka
Rozkład zajęć może się zmienić w zależności od dostępności i sezonu
We offer 1:1 hourly packages with flexible schedules and personalized teaching.
The packages start at 5 hours of personal teaching but once finished you can take another package if you want to continue with your classes.
You can also make a private group with friends or family, and we would be pleased to give you a quotation if you are interested in this option.
Średnio | 1 uczeń |
Maksymalnie | 1 uczeń |
Zakres wieku | 14 lat lub więcej |
Średnio | 26 lat lub (22 latem) |
Od momentu otwarcia naszych drzwi dla studentów z zagranicy w 2001 roku, naszym celem zawsze było uczenie się w sposób przyjemny, zabawny i skuteczny - Barcelona oferuje to idealne środowisko.
Chcemy również, abyś podczas pobytu w Barcelonie miał naprawdę pozytywne i satysfakcjonujące osobiste doświadczenia.
Etos i wielkość naszej szkoły pozwala nam osobiście towarzyszyć Ci i pomagać w spełnieniu twoich wymagań.
Nasz zespół z przyjemnością pomoże w uzyskaniu informacji na temat zwiedzania, wiz, miejsc pracy lub czegokolwiek, co polepszy twój pobyt, gdy będziesz z nami. Nasi nauczyciele to native speakerzy, studenci wyższych uczelni, kształceni w celu nauczania języka hiszpańskiego jako języka obcego poprzez kursy i seminaria.
Masz do wyboru zajęcia skupione na konwersacjach, gramatyce i słownictwie, chociaż zwracamy szczególną uwagę na rozmowę; chcemy, abyś szybko mówił językiem hiszpańskim w swoim codziennym życiu.
Opracowujemy własne materiały przy udziale naszych nauczycieli i wsparciu naszego Spanish Studier Director i Studier Director
Posiadamy własną kompilację najlepszych materiałów z najpopularniejszych hiszpańskich książek.
Uczniowie pracują w małych grupach - średnio 7, ale maksymalnie 10 osób. Pozwala to nauczycielowi poświęcić więcej czasu na potrzeby edukacyjne naszych uczniów.
Szkoła cieszy się międzynarodową atmosferą, przyjmując ponad 100 narodowości i ułatwiając wymianę kulturalną między naszymi uczniami.
Uczymy na sześciu poziomach (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2) i postępujemy zgodnie z dyrektywą UE w sprawie nauki drugiego języka.
Przed rozpoczęciem kursu przystępujesz do testu gramatycznego i testu mówienia w celu oceny poziomu znajomości języka hiszpańskiego. Dzięki temu uzyskasz poprawny poziom, a na końcu kursu otrzymasz certyfikat językowy.
W Kingsbrook można bezpłatnie korzystać z komputerów z dostępem do Internetu, a także z darmowego połączenia Wi-Fi na terenie szkoły.
Kingsbrook ma atrakcyjny wygląd, dzięki czemu szkoła jest idealnym miejscem do nauki języka hiszpańskiego.
W 2001 roku otworzyliśmy 7 klas, w sumie posiadamy 14 klas.
Nasze sale lekcyjne są dobrze wyposażone z klimatyzacją, fanami i ogrzewaniem.
Mamy pokój do nauki, w którym możesz wygodnie pracować. Tutaj, raz w tygodniu, nasi nauczyciele udzielają bezpłatnych lekcji przeglądu i pomagają w razie jakichkolwiek pytań.
Nasze dwa eRoomy mają bezpłatny dostęp do Internetu i DVD-ROM z ćwiczeniami gramatycznymi, słownictwem, słuchaniem i przygotowaniem DELE, jeśli chcesz kontynuować naukę po zajęciach.
Strefa kawowa z sofami i stolikami, gdzie można spotkać się z innymi studentami, posłuchać muzyki lub po prostu odebrać czasopismo poświęcone kulturze i rozrywce w Barcelonie.
Przekąska z zimnymi napojami, kawą, herbatnikami, sałatkami, słodyczami ...
Korzystaj bezpłatnie z naszej biblioteki. Zawiera ona hiszpańskie i międzynarodowe powieści i filmy, książki o sporcie i przygodach, gramatykę, przewodniki, filmy dokumentalne i muzyczne płyty DVD.
Dwa tarasy, gdzie można się zrelaksować i porozmawiać z nauczycielami i kolegami z klasy.
Tablica wymiany językowej, aby poznać hiszpańskich ludzi uczących się innych języków w naszej szkole i wymieniać języki podczas dzielenia się kulturą.

Narodowości i wiek uczniów w Kingsbrook Idiomas zmieniają się w zależności od czasu, kursów oraz poziomów W ciągu roku, średni wiek wynosi 26. Latem, średni wiek wynosi 22.
Znajdujemy się w dzielnicy Eixample, sercu "el Modernisme" w Barcelonie, blisko ulic Diagonal, Paseo de Gracia i Rambla Catalunya. Tuż za progiem szkoły można znaleźć rynki, sklepy, siłownie, banki, bary, restauracje, tarasy, muzea, teatry, parki, biblioteki ...
Możesz dotrzeć do słynnego Pedrera przez Gaudiego po prostu pieszo. Sagrada Familia, Plaza Catalunya, Las Ramblas i Stare Miasto znajdują się zaledwie 10 minut metrem lub autobusem.
W niecałe 20 minut metrem lub autobusem można dotrzeć do każdej z 7 plaż miejskich.
Jesteśmy także blisko dzielnicy Gracia - pełnej studentów, artystów, galerii sztuki, klubów, sklepów modowych, barów tarasowych - jednego z najbardziej ekscytujących obszarów Barcelony.

It was a pleasure to study at this school, I didn't even realize how the time flew by. The classmates are kind, sociable, open-minded people, after courses we still stay in touch with them.
For me, the most valuable aspect of staying in Barcelona was learning Spanish. And I have to mention engaging classes and interactive teaching styles of Kingsbrook Idiomas, knowledgeable and helpful teachers, convenient location with a lively atmosphere.
However, most of the classes didn't start on time. Also, I didn't find afternoon classes for beginners really helpful because we were just investigating web-sites with teacher in order to pick up new Spanish words -- may be it's just not my cup of tea because when I joined classes for A2 level they were really productive, pleasurable and effective.
Our teacher Sheila is an inspiring teacher whose passion for the subject and genuine care for her students created an engaging and supportive learning environment that encouraged exploration and growth.
I stayed at XIOR housing and the facilities were generally well-maintained. Rooms were clean, modern and convenient. However, during peak hours, the canteen was overcrowded, making it difficult to find a quiet spot to eat (if I could even find food after these hungry eagles from another camp that also lived with me at XIOR:) Moreover, that students were too noisy at night and sometimes didn't let me sleep.
Overall, my experience was positive, with many opportunities for growth and learning!
I had a great experience at Kingsbrook Idomas, The staff are amazingly helpful and dedicated to what they do. The school is well located with easy access via public transport and is an pleasant, light filled environment to study in. My host family were very supportive and provided a secure base as I was a mature woman traveling on my own. I cannot recommend this school and experience highly enough.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...Teachers, classmates are nice and friendly. The school environment is wonderful.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...My experience was brilliant. I had the best classes with the best teachers. I loved that they were always creative and helped us to improve in every aspect. I will defenetly go bact to Barcelona to study in Kingsbrook. The location is really go, easy access by bus. I loved the building with the garden and the classroomes. The toilet was also clean all the time. Where I lived, it wasn’t the best but I am grateful for them because they took care of me and were really kind. I loved that we could go to have different activities with the school. My favourite was the tourist trip around La Rambla. All in all it was excellent and the best experience of my life.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...In summary, the time spent at Kingsbrook Idiomas was an amazing experience.
The teachers were competent, welcoming and supportive, creating a friendly and conducive learning environment.
The school is well-located in the city, it can be easily reached. Due to the schedules, flexibility and organized extra visits/tours it's possible to know more about the city, immerse in the culture and practice outside of the classes.
I would definitely recommend and choose this school again.
I’ve passed 6 weeks in Kingsbrook, it was one of the nicest experiences of my life. I met people from many parts of the world and i’ve met many new friends! I would recommend this school to everyone! Classes were so interesting and never boring, I learnt a lot in kingsbrook. During the afternoon there were many activities, to discover the city , the history, the culture and food . If you want to enjoy your trip in Barcelona, learn Spanish, discover the city and meet new friends , this is the place you should go to!
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...The classes were jut the perfect time and the pauses were at the perfect time too. I liked all the teachers very much they all were super sweet and funny. The location were perfect i had just a 30 minute walk from my home to the school and the surroundings were very beautifull. The school wasnt located on a too busy street so it was very nice. I really enjoyed the activities qnd had so much fun visiting new places and meet more new people. It was so kice that the school gave us the opportinity to join the activities trough the school and meet new people. My host family was soo nice they treated me so well and they were so sweet. I wouldnt have wished for an better host family it was the best!
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...The school is well arranged both as a location and as an interior; my class made up of nice and nice people; the teacher good even if a little "splashed" ... the textbook absolutely obsolete.
I stayed in a family that in addition to giving me a room with a window on the stairwell, therefore absolutely dark, the use of the bathroom and luckily a decent breakfast and excellent dinners, almost never related to me. The house is 25 minutes walk from the school and not served by public transport, luckily I really enjoy walking. The activities organized by the school are nice. Overall, however, a positive experience, which, however, I would not repeat, mostly because for my age (55) I would have had to choose other courses.
My personal experience was really excellent.
I went on a two-week language trip to Barcelona because I wanted to brush up on my Spanish. I enjoyed the classes throughout and liked the fact that I attended both a class that focused on grammar/theory and working with a book, and one where we talked together about many interesting topics.
This way the classes were always varied, especially because we could choose the topics we talked about and discussed.
Of course, my super nice teachers also contributed to a positive and fun class.
Our teachers always took our interests and needs into consideration.
It was also interesting to get to know the other students and their culture. In particular, the many activities such as the visit to the Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
helped us to get to know each other better (also people from other courses with whom we did not have classes) and at the same time to visit Barcelona.
What was also great was that the language school Kingsbrook Idiomas was very easy to reach both by public transport and on foot and was also located in a very pleasant area of Barcelona.
The school building was very modern and bright, and the bathrooms were clean and nice. The only thing that could perhaps be improved here, but did not bother me too much on site, was that there were only two toilets and you had to wait a little (not long) from time to time.
Also my accommodation, I was with an older woman, was great.
I felt welcome from the first moment.
I had half board, the food was always more than sufficient and tasted good.
Everything was very clean and neat, in my room were all the necessary things.
In summary, I would highly recommend both the language school Kingsbrook Idiomas and the organization Language International and would also like to do another stay abroad with the organization.
Great teachers and good class size, accommodating when I had to do my class online over zoom
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...I spent 3 weeks to start to understand Spanish it was an excellent initiative and the school is really adapted to the needs of each one. The quality of the teaching is very practical and at the same time interesting, we want to be there every day. The teachers are very professional and friendly always available to help us at any time. Dani and Moha were on top! The school is well placed in the center, access is easy and fast. Class schedules leave us time to enjoy our day. Each week 1 or 2 activities are often offered free or even paid but at very affordable prices.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...Teachers were all very welcoming understanding and nice. Each teacher I had the pleasure of meeting had their own interesting ideas for class activities to learn from which made the classes more fun and interesting. I felt that I could always ask for help about anything concerning spanish whether it was in class or a problem outside of class. The activities were very good ideas with boat tour and bike tour, very nice way to see barcelona while still learning on the side. Location wise the school was a little far from me but the connections with public transport made things easier. I had a lot of fun my two weeks there, made some new friends and definitely learn some mire spanish. I would have liked to have had more conversation classes rather than grammar class as I was taking spanish just to learn to speak it as I want to talk with my colleges at uni and be able to be independent in Barcelona.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...This is what I experienced before the COVID-19.
Before taking the lessons, I took a level check, and then I started learning Spanish in Kingsbrook Idiomas from the elementary level.
Teachers are allocated week by week, so I could experience some teachers. All teachers are very dedicated and friendly.
The facility was stylish and clean. Sometimes, the allocated room was a bit tiny for the number of students. However, we could enjoy the class even in the small room. (Now the school moved to a new address. I've never visited there yet.)
After the lockdown, they decided to provide lessons online by using Zoom. Taking lessons online is also comfortable.
They organize fun activities around Barcelona. Even though we once moved to the online lesson, they tried to provide some interesting online activities! I was so impressed.
I was happy to learn Spanish in the environment.
I enrolled in a 6 weeks course studying the A1.2 curriculum at Kingsbrook Idiomas. The teachers and staff were always very friendly and helpful. My teachers were Noelia and Pilar, both very experienced with a high standard of teaching. It was not only a challenging experience but also a fun one.
The school provided weekly fun activities and excursions after school hours for those who were interested, this is a big plus for those new to Barcelona.
kingsbook is welcoming, excellent teachers, everyone was very attentive, the school has a good infrastructure, the location is great, the students are friendly, the school always has a weekly event that integrates all the classes, in short it has an fantastic energy! I learned a lot!
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...The Kingsbrook Idiomas i can highly recommend to everyone who are searching for language school . Teacher , classmates and everyone there were super friendly . I was there just one week but i improved Spanish a lot . I was living near to Sagrada Famíia so i think it was the best location which i could get . I loved everyday walking around it . From my classmates became friends for life . Family where i lived was amazing. I loved them . Its definitely not last time when i decided for this city and school !
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...I like the location of the school. It is about the city centre and is very close to lots of sightseeing sports too. The activities organised were fantastic with the Spanish teacher as a tour guide at the same time. I understood more about the monuments and Learnt more vocabularies too. Just the housing, the location is great but it is too hot to live in a room with no fan and not air conditioning in summer. It is too hot too sweaty sometimes u can’t even fall asleep.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...I spent only one week at the school but I am very pleased that I attend there. The school location is very good (Exiample is the best district of Barcelona :)). I liked the classes as they were interesting.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...I’m really impressed. The school is amazing. The place in which teachers teach and guys learn is amazing. That is related to the teachers! They were really nice: young, friendly, patient, I had really good time with them and I learned more in a week thanks to them that in months for my own.
I’ve been in a family, with a not so young woman, but her heart and her soul makes her look like a teenager! She really took care of me and we understood each others perfectly! We complete each others! She talked confidentially to me a lot and I really appreciate every sweet word, teaching and advice she gave me! I really miss all!
The city is amazing! I know that now with internet we’ve got a lot of facilities but I’ve never been lost or afraid in that city
Obv I pay attention in the night, and also during the day cause BCN is a metropoli
I’m deeply grateful for the amazing organization you offered me
Hasta pronto!!!
My experience was fine. I liked the classes and thought it was challenging, however in some cases the level or tempo seemed a bit slow, which off course is because of the different levels in the class. The teacher we had was great! He was really good at explaining the material, creating a good atmosphere and making the classes very comfoetable, safe and a good learning environment. So a lot of compliments to Hernan! The facilities was great, activities was okay. We went on a bike ride that seemed quite unorganized though and where it seemed weird that we had to go from our home to the school, to then go by the metro to the place where we were to actually be. In our case and our living situation it would have saved us time and money to just know the meeting point and then be able to just go from there.
The Housing was ok, however, it was not a shared apartment. We lived in an apartment owned by a woman and with her. She turned off the wifi when she was not around, the beds were very uncomfortable.
At the same time we did not get any information about meeting at the school before arriving and that was not ideal.
I had a great time at Kingsbrook. The teacher was very patient and made the class fun. I learned a lot within a very short period of time. The location is good and there is a great bakery next door. It was a good experience and I'm very thankful for it.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...The teacher was patient and we had the opportunity to do lots of speaking. I felt that I received individual attention from the staff and they were very accommodating. The school has a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...I had a very successful couple of weeks! My housing was very good in every way. I liked my landlord Cesar Duch, the apartment was located in a very nice neighborhood and I had truly nice roommates. At first I thought my level was just right for me, but after a while I felt like maybe I should have changed my level to the next one. However, I wasn't sure so I stayed in the same group and changed a little too late. Still, I enjoyed my stay very much and the fact that I stayed in the easier group for a bit too long did not bother me. I liked my teachers and made plenty of new friends.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...Thank you very much Nicole for your kind words! We enjoyed having you as a student in the Academy and look forward to meeting you again. We hope that your experience in Barcelona was rich and exciting. Our teachers and the academy welcome you back whenever you feel like visiting Barcelona again. Best wishes.
I really enjoyed my 8 weeks in the school, the teachers were very good and I liked that we were only small groups in the classes (4-6). The school atmosphere was very pleasant and it offered plenty of activities so we could discover the city.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...I like an atmosphere of Kingsbrook, it's really friendly. We have a lot of fun and different activities that help us to know more about Barcelona and Spanish culture.
And the most important -- quality of education! It's perfect. Kingsbrook has high-qualified professors that's why it's interesting to study and really fruitfully.
Kingsbrook is pretty good location-wise and the school also provides a lot of activities, but I wasn't able to attend most of the time because I traveled to different countries every weekend.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...School Kingsbrook Idiomas is one of the best language schools in the world. The teachers are interested in students and explain every part of the material that is hard for students with patience. Friendly atmosphere, nice people. Location very good, in the center. If you want to study Spanish, go to Kingsbrook Idiomas.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...I am very pleased with everything, the school itself, the location and housing, 10 min walk from school to home. I was there for only one week, but my Spanish has improved a lot. I had a hard time on the first day of training, as the teacher was a native speaker, not a word in English and more so on Russian, and I came to Barcelona with zero knowledge of Spanish and did not understand a word. Teacher told me that, but it was very interesting, and on the second day , I began to delve a little. In essence, the Spaniards are very friendly people, and I will definitely come to Barcelona again, only this time not to learn Spanish, just relax.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...Zakwaterowanie domowe oferuje studentom możliwość nauczenia się więcej o lokalnej kulturze w przyjaznym otoczeniu podczas nauki języka Hiszpański !in Barcelona. Domy często znajdują się w odległości 5 - 35 minut jazdy publicznym transportem od szkoły. Rodziny zapewniają zwykle przystępne opcje wyżywienia, które pozwalają Ci na poznanie lokalnej kuchni. Jeśli masz specjalne wymagania lub wymogi dietetyczne (z powodów religijnych lub zdrowotnych), powiadom nas o tym wcześniej. Twoje zakwaterowanie zaczyna się w niedzielę poprzedzającą pierwszy dzień zajęć i kończy w pierwszą sobotę po ostatnim dniu zajęć, chyba że zaznaczono inaczej. Dowiedz się więcej o zakwaterowaniu domowym
Homestay - Double Room - B&B
Homestay - Single Room - B&B
Homestay - Double Room - Half Board
Executive Homestay - Double Room - B&B
Homestay - Single Room - Half Board
Homestay - Double Room - Full Board
Executive Homestay - Double Room - Half Board
Executive Homestay - Single Room - B&B
Homestay - Single Room - Full Board
Executive Homestay - Double Room - Full Board
Executive Homestay - Single Room - Half Board
Executive Homestay - Single Room - Full Board
Akademiki są najwłaściwsze dla neizależnych uczniów, którzy szukają czaystego, prostego zakwaterowania w przystępnej cenie. Uczniowie muszą mieć 18+, chyba że zaznaczono inaczej. Twoje zakwaterowanie zaczyna się w niedzielę poprzedzającą pierwszy dzień zajęć i kończy w pierwszą sobotę po ostatnim dniu zajęć, chyba że zaznaczono inaczej. Dowiedz się więcej o akademikach
Student residence - Double room - No meals
Student residence - Double room - B&B
Student residence - Single room - No meals
Executive Student residence - Double room - No meals
Student residence - Double room - Half board
Student residence - Single room - B&B
Executive Student residence - Double room - B&B
Student residence - Double room - Full board
Student residence - Single room - Half board
Executive Student residence - Double room - Half board
Student residence - Single room - Full board
Executive Student residence - Double room - Full board
Executive Student residence - Single room - No meals
Executive Student residence - Single room - B&B
Executive Student residence - Single room - Half board
Executive Student residence - Single room - Full board
Możliwe jest mieszkanie w wynajętym mieszkaniu podczas nauki w Barcelonie, ale zazwyczaj koszty są wyższe. Kingsbrook Idiomas udziela pomocy przy wynajmowaniu mieszkań, ale możesz także zrobić to samemu. Dowiedz się wiecej o wynajmowaniu mieszkań
Shared apartment - Double Room - No meals
Shared apartment - Single Room - No meals
Private Studio Loft - Single room - No meals
Private Studio Standard - Single room - No meals
Private Studio Familiar - Single room - No meals
Nie możemy składać wniosków o wizę w imieniu uczniów. Jednakże, szkoła może dostarczyć Ci wszystkie wymagane dokumenty do złożenia takiego wniosku.
Twój list akceptacyjny zostanie wysłany na Twój domowy adres zwykłą pocztą bez dodatkowych opłat.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Barcelona based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Ucz się za granicą bezstresowo dzięki ubezpieczeniu zdrowotnemu i rzeczy osobistych Language International. Kiedy zamawiasz u nas kurs, możesz zdecydować sie na dodatkowy pakiet ubezpieczenia, który pokrywa nie tylko koszty opieki medycznej ale także ewentualną stratę rzeczy osobistych. Uwaga: ubezpieczenie trzeba zarezerwować z wyprzedzeniem.
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