F+U Academy of Languages Heidelberg
Hauptstrasse 1, Heidelberg, Baden-Württember 69117, Germany
F+U Academy of Languages Heidelberg
Słuchanie, Przemawiając, wymowa, czytanie, pisanie, słownictwo i gramatyka
You can choose from the following class times:
Rozkład zajęć może się zmienić w zależności od dostępności i sezonu
Consolidation course with focus on grammar, conversation
Levels: from A2 - B2, C1 and C2 on request
Class schedule: Monday to Friday, afternoon session from 1 to 2:30 p.m.
Średnio | 10 uczniów |
Maksymalnie | 15 uczniów |
Zakres wieku | 16 lat lub więcej |
Średnio | 22 lata |
Akademia językowa F + U w Heidelbergu jest jedną z największych szkół językowych w Niemczech. Ponad 12.000 studentów z ponad 100 krajów uczestniczy w kursach językowych i egzaminach w szkole w Heidelbergu. W dziedzinie języka niemieckiego jako obcego F + U Academy of Languages jest jednym z wiodących dostawców kursów języka niemieckiego, zarówno w formie intensywnych kursów w godzinach porannych i popołudniowych, jak i wieczorowych kursów pozalekcyjnych.
W 2016 i 2017 roku Akademia Językowa F + U otrzymała nagrodę StudyTravel Star Award jako Szkoła Języka Niemieckiego ST Star, a także nagrodę iStudy - Światowa Szkoła Języka Roku - Niemcy.
Dzięki swojej międzynarodowości szkoła oferuje wyjątkową okazję do poznania ludzi i ich różnych języków i kultur, a także do ćwiczenia świeżo nabytych umiejętności językowych, czy to podczas przerw w rozmowach na korytarzach, w szkolnym atrium, czy podczas uczestnictwa w codziennie oferowane zajęciach kulturalnych i sportowych.
F + U Academy of Languages znajduje się w centrum historycznego centrum Heidelbergu, starożytnego miasta uniwersyteckiego. Budynek szkoły oferuje fantastyczne widoki na Stare Miasto, zamek i dolinę rzeki Neckar. Z 70 multimedialnymi salami lekcyjnymi (do 85 w lecie), 3 salami internetowymi z 55 komputerami, bezpłatnym dostępem do Internetu i Wi-Fi oraz centralnym położeniem w Heidelbergu, Akademia Językowa F + U oferuje wszystko, aby zapewnić wyjątkowe doświadczenie w nauce języka.
Oprócz całorocznych kursów intensywnych i wieczorowych, Akademia Językowa F + U oferuje także indywidualne i ekspresowe kursy, urlopy edukacyjne, szkolenia w zakresie języka korporacyjnego i specjalistyczne kursy językowe w językach niemieckim, angielskim i ponad 25 innych językach.
Dzieci i młodzież z całego świata biorą udział w kursach języka niemieckiego lub angielskiego w naszym międzynarodowym programie juniorskim każdego lata, aby zdobyć biegłość językową poprzez zabawę i wielopoziomowy program kulturalny, sportowy i czas wolny w jednym z najpiękniejszych miast w Niemczech.
Kilka sal rezydencyjnych z ponad 500 pokojami, szkoła z internatem, apartamenty, hotel szkolny i kilka rodzin goszczących oferuje fantastyczny wybór całorocznych noclegów dla uczniów przyjeżdżających z całego świata.
Jako międzynarodowe centrum egzaminacyjne Akademia Językowa oznacza wyjątkową jakość w nauczaniu języków obcych. Oprócz najbardziej znanych certyfikatów, takich jak TOEFL® i TestDaF, instytut językowy oferuje następujące programy egzaminacyjne: TELC, WiDaF, onSET, TestAS, TOEIC®, LCCI i ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence)
Szczególnie ważną częścią akademii jest nasze zawodowe Kolegium Języków Obcych, założone w 2004 roku, które oferuje możliwość studiowania w pełnym wymiarze godzin w kierunku w następujących uznawanych przez państwo kierunkach: urzędnik korespondencji językowej, sekretarz europejski, wielojęzyczny urzędnik korespondencyjny i tłumacz. F + U Academy of Languages jest jednym z nielicznych dostawców usług edukacyjnych w tym kraju, który oferuje państwowe kursy języka japońskiego. Uznany status został przyznany również w języku chińskim, angielskim, francuskim, hiszpańskim i rosyjskim.
Akademia Językowa F + U oferuje programy stażowe w ramach programu Erasmus +. Ten program UE daje młodym ludziom szansę uczestniczenia w kursie językowym za granicą w innym kraju europejskim lub w Heidelbergu, a następnie ukończyć odpłątny staż. F + U Academy of Languages uzupełnia ofertę kursów organizując wycieczki językowe i międzynarodową szkołę przygotowawczą (przygotowanie do Feststellungsprüfung).
has partnerships with the following universities and colleges in Niemcy. You can gain full or conditional acceptance into one of these institutions.
Narodowości i wiek uczniów w F+U Academy of Languages Heidelberg zmieniają się w zależności od czasu, kursów oraz poziomów W ciągu roku, średni wiek wynosi 22. Latem, średni wiek wynosi 22.
Szkoła posiada uczniów z całego świata, w tym:
Akademia języków F + U znajduje się w centrum historycznego centrum Heidelbergu. Budynek szkoły oferuje fantastyczne widoki na Stare Miasto, zamek i dolinę rzeki Neckar. Z 70 multimedialnymi salami lekcyjnymi (do 85 w lecie), 3 salami internetowymi z 55 komputerami, bezpłatnym dostępem do Internetu i Wi-Fi oraz centralnym położeniem w Heidelbergu, Akademia Językowa F + U oferuje wszystko, aby zapewnić wyjątkowe doświadczenie w nauce angielskiego.
Heidelberg, dawna stolica Palatynatu, leży w uroczej dolinie Neckar, na południe od Odenwald i wyróżnia się wyjątkowo łagodnym klimatem. Przez lata piękno Heidelberga przyciągało wielu poetów, malarzy i naukowców, a dziś jest jednym z najbardziej opisanych miast w Niemczech. Na początku XIX wieku miasto na Neckar stało się najważniejszym ośrodkiem niemieckiego romantyzmu. Nierozerwalnie związane z tą epoką są poeci Arnim, Bretano, Goethe i Eichendorff. Nawet dziś najstarszy uniwersytet w Niemczech (1386) nadal przyciąga wielu studentów i jest uważany za jedną z najważniejszych siedzib nauki akademickiej w Europie. W uznanym suplemencie do szkolnictwa wyższego Times (THES) został uznany za najlepszy niemiecki uniwersytet w światowym badaniu porównawczym.
First of all, I would like to thank Matthew who kindly and patiently answered all of my questions before and during my visit. Secondly, I would like to thank the housing department for providing such a comfortable place for me during my stay. I was in a B1 class for 3 weeks. Though the teacher was a bit strict, I undoubtedly learned so much from her, including grammars, reading, speaking, listening, and so forth. Heidelberg is a very beautiful city, and I really enjoyed the school activities such as Philosophenweg, boat trip, as well as picknick. I met many friends from all around the world and we did have lots of fun after school and in the weekends. I will definitely recommend F+U Academy of Languages Heidelberg to people who are looking for intensive German courses!
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...The housing was great. The location is very convenient, just across from the main train station where all of the city transportation converges and the classroom are at another major hub. A few minute to the bus and few minutes on the bus.
The morning class was very good for me. I got to speak a lot and got a lot of practice. The teacher was quite good and was knowledgeable about linguistics which added another level to the instruction. I was disappointed he didn’t get more of the other students to interact, though.
The afternoon class I wouldn’t take again. The other students, I think, could follow what was going on because they were in the same morning class and this was a continuation for them. I could have used the time better to practice out in the city or to explore the are.
The facilities were ok, except there was no Internet in the main classroom. For me, that meant no dictionary, not having a smart-enough phone. The locations should be better marked.
All in all, it was a very good experience and worth the money. It would have been better if I could have stayed more than 2 weeks!
The teachers were all great, I learned a lot, met people from all over the world. If I have to say a negative, maybe we changed class and teacher several times and so the teaching was a bit interrupted but it was August so I guess that’s normal with holidays and so on.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...I liked everything, . I must just mention, that our teacher monday, tuesday, wednesday, called Petra, was not of a standard, that fit to bring young people forward to their final tests. Instead of engaging the pupils, to keep them alert and interested, four fifth of the time passed with her talking of her personal experiences with her x and her dog and her private views on everything. It was ok with me, as my purpose was to listen to the german language. But for pupils, no good.
But….thursday and friday we got substitute teachers, . Herbert and Ulla. Teachers, who really engaged their class. The pupils
woke up. They talked, asked, answered. That was teaching.
I don’t know if my English skills get better in my two week experience. Although I can say I learned much about other cultures and I feel much more secure in just starting to talk English.
I booked a class with 10 extra lessons. There was no course with my level of skills so I had 5 single lessons in the week (very good experience)
I loved the class, we were only 3 pupils, it was very intensive. I loved the time, from 9 o`clock to 12.15, also the organisation, the teacher was great, she could very good explain, she was very friendly, the topics were very good, we learned also for our life. The location was in the center, great. I could ride with my bike each day to school, it was very easy. The streets had excellent bike lanes. I was really postiv astonished, it was magnificent, excellent, powerful, friendly, very well organized, multicultural, lively, so many young guys, wonderful, attentive, thoughtful,
The only thing that wasn`t so nice was, it was too hot in the room...
Well I liked everything there, I was great the classes, teachers, location,…
The only thing that I would say wasn’t as good as the rest were the activities because well I didn’t like the cinema for instance. It was boring (we watched old movies and the teacher was stopping the movie literally every two minutes…
But everything was great I liked my host family and I met many new friends so great experience.
I would recommend it to everyone
During my 2 weeks in Heidelberg, I really enjoyed the family (Teresa Marti Cid) I was leaving in. I felt at home and had a really good time. My teacher Irina was very good and I enjoyed the classes.
Lunchtime was more of a challenge as the food was not good and I often had to get myself something to eat on the side.
The activities did not attract a lot of students. On the Saturday, nearly no one came to sports day and most of my friends were not joining in the afternoon activities on the second week.
I lived in a good hostel, the kitchen and toilet were shared on the floor. The location of the hostel and school is very convenient. Administration and teachers are professionals
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...I really like the teachers and the facilities. The teacher teaches seriously and patiently. And the environment(the classrooms) is also good, clean and bright. The location is also convenient.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...I had to change 4x lessons because the lessons were not suited to my level. It was German lessons but the explanations were in English. The school was very well placed. Nonetheless, the family I was in was incredibly good. The mother was very helpful, kind and welcoming.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...I know a lot of new people, the trip was interesting
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...Nice teachers and staff.
Great location.
Facilities clean and good air.
No activites due to COVID
Self-sourced housing which was fine.
Liked the small class size.
The classes were very good. I improved my level of German a lot. The teachers were friendly and had a lot of patience with their students. The location of the school can't be better, it is right in the middle of the city center! Due to the timing of the classes (beginning of October) and the pandemic, there were no activities organized. I stayed in the campus proposed by the school. I had a free upgrade to a better housing than I asked for, which was really cool. However, I wasn't well informed about the equipment of the kitchen. Apparently you need to buy everything yourself. Since I was there for only two weeks, I would have preferred to take some stuff from home. The room was clean and quiet, on 20 min walking from school.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...everyone is very nice, the teachers I had were really good and the other students too. Too bad because of the Corona there were not many people in the classes. My residence was great, very close to the school and I had a great apartment. It was just a little hard to connect with people (but it was also because of the corona). Overall it was really an amazing experience that I will (I hope) remember all my life !!
Thank you !
Quality teaching by benevolent teachers!
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...I have enjoyed my experience so far at the academy, the classes are small and the teachers are friendly which helps give the best chance of learning both efficiently but quickly.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...The class I attended was full of enthusiastic language learners. That resulted in a supporting and friendly atmosphere. The teacher was very knowledgeable and supportive. The location couldn't have been better. The first morning I arrived by car but soon realized the distance to the nearest parking lot was greater than the distance to the apartment I was staying in. The class rooms and the offices seemed pretty decent. Nothing to complain about. I only attended the morning class but my days were full of other activities as I was there with my wife and son. I have no experience of the housing provided by the organization.
I liked the enthusiastic and laid back but yet academic vibe of the class.
The stay was very pleasant! B2 level courses very interesting! The lovely teachers and listen! School very well located downtown! Modern and comfortable building! The staff at the reception very competent and very friendly! New and comfortable accommodation! I am really delighted with this stay!
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...Before the F+U Program, I had never in my life studied German, so I was a little surprised to be put on A2 classes, yet I can say that I learnt quite a lot on this four weeks, more than I could've ever anticipated, even if we didn't learn a lot during normal classes, but that's where the intensive courses come in place. Since the afternoon activities, most of the time, were a bit boring, the intensive program was really helpful in teaching the extra German that one may not learn on the regular classes. I really liked the teacher, the classes and the location (even if I stayed in Mannheim), the only thing I'd say that should be changed is the afternoon activities.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...Overall it was too expensive for what I got out of it. The teacher was good but she was treating us like kids and not like adults. Some students in the class didn't do their homework and then they couldn't follow what happened in the class. This took a lot of time from the rest of us because the teacher had to explain over and over for the same person. These students should have been moved down a class or just not getting as much attention if they haven't done what's expected of them.
I think we move forward to slowly. Doing one chapter a week is not enough and we could easily have done two chapters a week.
The location is really good.
The facilities were okey, however they gave me the feeling of being back in a class room from my high school which doesn't really inspire me to learn.
I didn't take part in the activities.
I didn't have housing through FU.
Dear Mr. Flink,
Thank you for your feedback – we appreciate your honesty and are very sorry to hear that your experience at F+U Academy of Languages was not fully satisfying.
As you know, we provide four types of intensive German courses for all levels: main course, main course + module course, premium course and super-intensive course. With 20 teaching hours per week, our main course naturally proceeds not as fast as our other intensive course types.
However, it also sounds like you have been in a class with rather weak students and the teacher wanted to make sure every student will be able to complete the level successfully. While this was certainly beneficial for those students having more difficulties with their German studies, we understand that it must have been a frustrating experience for you. Unfortunately, it is not possible to meet all needs of every student within a group course and weaker students tend to influence the pace of the course more than stronger students.
In order to consider the individual student to a maximum even in group courses, we provide the option for all students to switch to a different course of the same level if they are not happy with their teacher and/ or the pace of the course – we are sorry to learn only now – through your feedback – that you did not take advantage of this option as we would have been happy to help you find a course that suits your needs better.
Again, thank you very much for voicing your opinion, and best wishes for your further German studies.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...I was studying German in an intensive course for two weeks in this school in the city Heidelberg .
It is very large language school, it has several buildings around the city. There are a lot of students and classes.
I studied at the B1 level. My teacher was Martina. She is a professional, very responsible and demanding teacher. She explained topics well, answered all additional questions, the lessons were interesting and very productive.
For 2 weeks I learned a lot of new grammar, we were talking a lot during the lessons. The tempo of learning was really intense, we had a lot of homework.
There were from 6 to 9 students in the class.
Employees-administration in the main building solved all the questions and problems that were during studying. The academy organizes additional activities for students after classes and on weekends, ask the list of these activities.
I recommend to attend the lecture “My 1st Day at the School” - they will tell you some secrets where can you eat inexpensive, how can you do your homework in the university library in the city center and they give other useful recommendations.
I stayed in a host family in the Eppelheim (a small city near Heidelberg). The road took me 25 minutes by the tram or 30 minutes by the bike (I rented a bike for the 2 weeks). Living in a host family is a very interesting experience!
But I had a small problem with my family, I paid for type of food ‘breakfast and dinner’, but I cooked by myself with products that were in the fridge at home. The host family did not cook for me.
As well as, I would like to say “thank you very much!“ to the employee of this portal www.languageinternational.com Yaroslav. He answered quickly all my questions (believe me, there were a lot of them :)). This site offers a lot of language schools in many countries around the world. I compared their offers and prices with other similar sites, and I chose this portal for buying the course in German. The price was better. And next studying I’ll definitely contact with www.languageinternational.com again.
The Academy itself is rather good, the teachers are decent and the facilities are nice and clean.
I was able to go from a very basic level of German to a proficient one within half a year.
The problem comes with the accommodation department, the room is overpriced, location is good, if you don't mind traveling up to 30 minutes a day for going to the Academy, and another 30 minutes on the way back.
In over half a year I have been living here they couldn't get the WiFi to work properly. They also wouldn't install a Drying machine, although they state clearly on the house rules that we all should have access to one.
The kitchen would only be cleaned 3 times a week, gathering enough dirt and grease to make cooking a very unpleasant experience.
The room itself is too tiny, although it should be noted that it's big enough to accommodate a shower and a fridge.
I do not appreciate the welcoming of the stewarts on monday morning. They were very busy and do not really consider us. Compare to London EC school, the team do not know us, there was no friendliness.
Classroom were very classic.Tables are not usefull for group activities.
Teachers sounds good.
The location was ok.
45mn is not enough for having a real break.
It was a very pleasant experience for me. I did some very basic German courses in Argentina. He wanted to get to know Germany, its customs, people's daily lives. I enrolled in LI for 15 days and stayed with a family. The institution answered all my questions, the teacher was excellent and I felt very comfortable with the other students..
The family was very kind, I've been very well taken care of. The location of the institute allowed me to travel comfortably to get there.
Dear Elida,
Thank you very much for your review - we are happy to hear you had such a great time at our school in Heidelberg. We would love to welcome you again.
I did like the all. I learned a lot compared to my school because we were just 5 students. I don't see anything negative. I wish I would stay one more week. As I didn't know any German so I had to speak and understand English. I did like to speak with students who came from another countries. The teachers were very nice and they really tried to make me understand.
It was a good experience as it was the first time I follow English courses with people who didn't speak french.
It is located in the central area of Heidelberg. Perfect place to study and enjoy Heidelberg.
My teacher is awesome. She is very enthusiastic and her lectures are clear and easy to understand.
My room was 15 mins from the central by tram clean and big enough. But the room might depends on what you choose.
Dear HyeJin,
Thanks a lot for your feedback. We're very happy to hear you had a good time studying at our school and staying in one of our accommodations. We would love to welcome you back any time. Kind regards, Elena.
classes: time of the classes was very suitable , like the small number of student
not like: the change the classes sometimes prom place to place.
I respect the level test but I think my level was higher than the class.
teachers: were perfect
location : very interesting because it is in the main center of the city , easy to find any thing.
facilities: was perfect
activities: I like some of them , there should be more activities focus on the exchange the social experiences between the students and also more visits to Germany cites.
housing: not bad
not like : the cleaning should be every day and more supervision on Cleanliness and quiet after 10 pm.
I studied there for 4 weeks and I was able to learn very much and understand perfect the teachers, because she always explain in German and when you really don't understand she explain you in English
Sometimes the class was boring but then my teacher say lets play in German
In the afternoon I enjoyed the walks a lot and I got to know many interesting places in the city.
Sharon Cabrera
Dear Sharon,
Thank you for your review - we are happy to hear you had a great time at F+U Academy of Languages in Heidelberg and would love to welcome you again anytime. Best regards, Elena.
I like the style of teaching as class was useful as it helped me improve and progress in the language.
The classes were nice and the facilities and how it’s spread around Heidelberg. The housing was very nice and comfortable
I really liked the location of my academy, is in a very center of Heidelberg. And I liked my room very much as well.
My Teacher Moritz is so nice and so gut at teaching and explanating grammar rules etc.
But the only think I was upset about is not very good access to the internet(not at all in school and sometimes bad in the room).
But all in all I liked this my journey very very much!
I loved almost everything, everybody was so helpful and cheerful in school I felt very comfortable, also school’s location is very good, but Römerstraße house is a little bit far. You have to buy tickets or bike. I didn’t attend activities because I preferred to spend my time in city. Teacher was also so nice and professional but I didn’t love the classes (don’t have air conditioner etc) Heidelberg is the most relatable city to being student! Thanks for everything.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...Classes were good, my teacher was very good too. For me it was comfortable and fast to go to the school from my home. I lived in a five category women residence. It is the highest category. I liked my room. Nevertheless we had only one little bad working fridge and little dirty kitchen for two floors. It was very hard to find place for food in the fridge and it became rotten too fast. When I came to school the first time I saw timetable where I was at a much lower level than I used to be, but I had’t done any tests. I had to dispute about that situation. I had an intensive English, it is 30 hours a week. If I had known that it’s academic hours, I could have taken one more module.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...The classes and teachers were really nice. I had a really great time. There were lots of activities that we can have great memories.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...The classes were great, teacher great, location some times good because almost every week you have to change of class room,but the location is very good, the facilities good but the social activities not so fun, the housing was perfect, in general I recommend that if you want to learn a language, you should choose F+U.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...My English course was very good. I had had a super intensive course for 3 weeks. The course was from 8-00 to 15-30 o'clock. A lunch was 45 minutes. I had a native teacher from Britain. We were speaking a lot and I had a plenty of grammar. If you want you can rent books or buy them from school. I stopped to translate and began understanding. Now I am speaking more fluently.
I was living in campus of school. It's about 20 minutes walk to school. Facilities of campus were enough poor. Campus didn't have a reception and I had to resolve all my issues in school. It wasn't very operatively.
In generally Germany is an interesting country and it course was useful for me.
I think It was very comfortable the stay in all its aspects..I mean, the kindness of people by e-mail and personally, the location (the place for studying and living) was wonderful for visiting the main tourist places of Heidelberg and it had ease for finding places for eating and supply any need, and the price was according with the services, all was very organized, however I would improve the service of foods, either with bigger refrigerator or with services of food accessible for all as students, to the topic of the wash zone (it wasn´t very intuitive) and the internet, It was very defective in the residence. I felt very well traveling in another country alone ... I practiced a lot English in the classroom and outside of this, so I think it was very enriching ... especially when you never before had practiced English with people that don't speak Spanish ...your mother language, this aspect force you to think in English.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...Ich habe insgesamt zwei Klassen, der erste Lehrerin heißt Janina, sie ist sehr geduldig, für ein gerade in Deutschland angekommenes, ich fühle mich sehr nett, aber leider: Sie ging in andere Städte, sie unterrichtete nur Ich bin zwei Wochen. Dann war ich in einer anderen Klasse, bis ich ging.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...My experience I can say it was unique. Large and spacious class; unfortunately in two weeks I changed three teachers, very good the first, a little less the others. Location and facilities were great. I did not have time and a way to do business. The family accommodation was super.
If I went back, I would always choose your school.
With best regards,
Virginia Giuliano
The location of this school is awesome and by public transportation is also convenient to commute between school and the student hostel .
However, they change teachers a lot and the quality of teachers really depends.
Certainly you may ask the Secretary to change your class, which is always super busy and workers are usually not in the situation.
Housing was ok. Teachers were great. Location is also good.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...The expérience in this school was very interesting. We learned english in a small group, each People in the group come from different countries.
The teatcher listened each People, and lesssonswere apropriated to the level.
Moreover, the price were not expensive.
However, i have an advice for the first Day...
Be careful the school is in a center mall, and it is not really specify in the address.
I really recommend this school.
During my stay with F+U Academy of Languages, I stayed with a great host family - who are also very friendly. Furthermore, my teacher was a great teacher, she had a deep grasp of communication and the language, which translated into me. I can definitely say that now I'm much more fluent in German and have learned so much.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...Classes were OK, teacher tallented (specially Daniela), location perfect. I did not use accommodation. One week we had 17 students and I think that it was too much. 12 would be perfect.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...so the teachers were interesting, knowing and friendly, the secretaries were constantly stressed, and seemed to have bad communication (i was sent to am römer, when i was supposed to be in donald) the classrooms were a little dull, and either not okay or perfect (directly in the sunlight, no fans, no shutters and lot's of traffic noise, or with a/c, well kept rooms and a good sound resistance to the outside).
the guest houses were alright (maybe 3.5 stars), i think they should be a little closer to the school, but only because the busses and trams cost so much! i paid 25 euros per week just to get to school and back.
It has been a great experience, with a lovely accommodation and an interesting school.
Everything concerning the school was almost perfect, the teachers were competent and always ready to help their students, just as the staff was.
As I said before, the accommodation was lovely but there have been some issues with the fridge: it was too small for a three roommates shared apartment. However, that was the only issue which occurred to me. Ad everything considered, It has been a nice stay.
- Teachers! Janina was great and Gilda was the best private teacher ever!
- Secretaries! Especially, Esra and Joe! There is nothing they cannot help you with!
- Classes! I really improved my German and achieved my goal!
- Location! The School is in the heart of the Old Town. Simply wonderful!
Just ok:
- Accommodation. I was placed at Campus F+U and that was too far for the price. But, still, nothing hard to handle ;)
AMAZING EXPERIENCE! I would definitely recommend F+U!
The school was quite difficult to find and the different classrooms were distributed in a confusing way in different buildings. The staff was very professional and helpful but the quality of teachers was varying quite a lot. The level of the pupils was very poor.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...Overall, the classes were really good. But the conversation course was beyond perfect, I had a great time at the academy.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...I signed up for three weeks of German lessons in Heidelberg, sadly, due to health reasons I could only attend the first week so my impression might be a bit distorted.
The classes I had were not fantastic, not due to the lack of optimism in the class (everyone got along well) but because of the books which I find not well made compared to my previous one (I used the Netzwerk in another school, I really recommend that book). Also my teacher was a bit old, and although I cannot blame the school for that, the rhythm of the lesson was kinda slow, but he was always very cheerful which really helped communication.
The city itself is very nice for students, anyone can find quite a variety of anything close by, the housing location couldn't have been better! The apartment itself was very nice, but maybe lacking a bit concerning the information on the facilities given to the students.
In general, I really liked the situation I was able to develop there, it is really easy to adapt to and do everything on foot, no complicated transports or paperwork (at least for me).
The thing I disliked as I said was the structure of the lesson which I think could be easily solved with a new book like Netzwerk or I Ideen. Some more activities in class would also be nice apart from exercises.
It was a good experience but frequent changing of the teachers should be something you need to improve. Some teachers are really rude to some students and the last thing is some teachers doesn't like to do grammar but not all of them are like that. There were a lot of fun and good teachers with them that you would always want to go to class!
The locations of places were good and central except from Römer but its not a big deal.
The housing was really bad, we were eight girls using the same kitchen so in two days the garbage is more than full, one bath for six girls is was always a mess too and too expensive for what the place actually is, I think you have to think more on our comfort instead of money.
It was one of my favorite experiences I ever had. First, my stay in Heidelberg was perfect, because I shared a flat with many friends that I met there and went to classes together. Our teachers were extremely well trained with pedagogic skills and highly oriented to youth education.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...Liked: Location and teachers.
Didn't like: School events.
There's no available class for my German level. I don't like their teaching methods. They were not really friendly to new students. I've changed my class twice. In my first two classes, the teachers didn't even ask my name since it is my first time in class. Level of student in class varies and they generally tend to involve old students. It takes time for new students to be involved in speaking or grammar practices.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...
Dear Özge, we are very sorry you were unable to enjoy your course at our school.
Even though we have courses on all levels from A1 to C1, the individual levels of the students in one class may vary because our courses are on-going and students may join any time. Our classes are open to students of all ages from 16 onwards, and many older students pick the evening classes to be able to join in after work. Of course, it may take some time to adjust for everyone but usually our teachers do their best to accommodate everyone. Students can switch their classes if the level is too high or too low for them, and they can talk to us any time if they are dissatisfied with the teaching, and we always try to help to make sure everyone gets the most suitable course.
According to the evening course coordinator, you were placed in a class corresponding to the result of your level test. Afterwards, you switched your course twice, each time to a lower level. The coordinator said that after you changed your course for the second time, you said that the course fit your level and that the teacher was OK. So we are surprised by your claim that there was no class for your level.
You did not mention your dissatisfaction with the third course to the coordinator. That is indeed a pity because we would have been happy to help you. We are sorry that you felt the teachers were not nice. We will look into this and talk to the teachers in your classes to make sure this does not happen again. We want all our students to feel welcome and appreciated, and we would be happy to welcome you at our school again in the future.
Best regards,
The classes are okay. The teachers in the morning class were okay, but those in the afternoon were super! The location is okay, facilities depends on the student. The activities were not okay. There was nothing interesting for young people. The housing is okay as well.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...Dear Andrea, thank you very much for your feedback. It is always important for us to hear what students have to say about their stay at our school so we know which points are good and upon which we can still improve. We are happy you liked your stay in general and sorry that the activities were not interesting for you. We are trying our best to organize a wide range of activities for different kinds of students and offer not only visits to other cities, trips to local amusement parks, tours of Heidelberg and the surroundings but also parties, barbecues etc. We are very interested in any kind of activities you would have liked to have visited and we would very much appreciate it if you could contact us to and let us know! We are always working on becoming better =)
The morning class was a little bit boring but the afternoon class which was a speaking class was really interesting and helped a lot to improve my German. Actually, the teacher in the afternoon class was really sympathetic, the ambiance was relaxed and I think it is the best way to learn.
I felt like I was a little bit deceived since I chose my host family knowing that their house is less than 30 minutes to the school so I thought I would be near the old town. But my host family's home was 35 minutes by bus! However the family was really nice to me and the food was good! I'm really satisfied with my trip. The activities could have been really great if more people had participated.
I think I'll have another experience like this soon in Germany, since I really improved my German and next time I'll stay longer, maybe four weeks at least.
Dear Deborah,
we are glad that you enjoyed your time here in Heidelberg. Thanks for your feedback and we hope to see you again soon!
The school F+U have very good teachers! The only downside would be was every week you have to change class (nothing major). Apart from that , I would recommend this school.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...Overall, it was a good experience, with regards the school and the city. Kind host family as well.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...The activities were nice as well as my classmates.
We could know more about the culture and the food in Germany. The teacher was very patient with us.
For Asian, the pronunciation is quite difficult, but Frau Schmige was very patient in teaching us.
Very beautiful school at the city center and with serious and quality education. Very attentive and addresses the needs of their students, every small problem was solved instantly. If necessary you can change the level, class and teacher more than once. Class size ranges from 8 to 15 students.
The school organizes one or two trips each week (Germany and abroad) and other interesting activities on site.
Two of the teachers (I've had five different teachers in three months), Gilda and Daniela, are really good. Serious, professional, demanding, but also bright and positive, clearly explain the program and do not waste time.
There's a variety of restaurants nearby where you can choose from to have lunch. You could have a good lunch starting from € 3.5.
The rooms in Wieblingen residences are bright, comfortable and spacious kitchen, a large bathroom for every three rooms. The apartment was cleaned twice a week. Every night a security personnel will go around to ensure that there is no noise after 22:00 was observed. They also have two washers and asciugatrici, WiFi network. Also convenient transportation to get to and from school.
Nice experience, I started from zero, and I passed the A1 and A2 levels in three months intensive course. I'm thinking of doing another three months at the end of the year.
Dear Indiana,
we are so glad that you enjoyed your stay with us! We'd be more than happy to welcome you back at F+U :)
The teacher was very nice and helps you to be able to express yourself clearly.
The location of the classroom is not as good as I expect it to be. Sometimes it is a little noisy.
I did not take part in any activities and housing provided by the school.
To be honest I expected something else; something a bit more extravagant but in the end I got (from my limited experience with language schools) the best. First thing that gets you is the places from which your classmates are from. Sometimes it left no option but to speak in German. Teachers and staff after the first week were almost like friends. The main part of the school is smack in the center of Heidelberg, so you immediately have to switch to German. There were a lot of things to do but in terms of what these entailed of there wasn't too much variation and housing was great.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...Dear Jeffrey, we are glad to hear you enjoyed your stay!
I booked the standard course for 12 weeks, and for personal reason, I extended for 3 more weeks.
● Teaching
The way of teaching (in the same level) are very different among different teachers.
Some teacher are very good, some are just general. And some teachers pay more attention to grammar, some pay more attention to speaking. So you have to experience first, and then choose who you like more.
● Location
Heidelberg is a great city. I like the old buildings, old town, Neckar river, and small hills around.
The main building of the school is on the main street, and just 1 minute to the tram station.
However, the classrooms are located not only in the main building, but also in different parts of Heidelberg.
Every 1 or 2 weeks we have to change our classroom to another place. It is not convenient!
● Facilities
The classrooms are OK. Some are big, some are small.
The wifi connection (in school and dormitory) are so bad!!!
I like "Spielen Deutsch lernen" and "Japanseminar". I have lots of opportunities to speak and make new friends.
The first month, I stayed with a German family. The family is very good!
After that, I move into school's Dormitory (in old town, Category V). In addition to wi-fi, everything is good.
I don't like the administrative procedures of the school.
Every time I have questions, I have to wait at the front desk, which was always crowded.
When someone sent me a mail, I have to line up for a long time to see a small list posted on the wall.
(I think you can post the list Online, it would be much convenient.)
About the accommodation department.
The staffs of the accommodation department were so impatient and unfriendly without reasons!! Many students felt the same as I did!!
To sum up, I like Heidelberg, my teacher, and my classmates.
But the administration procedures and wi-fi needs to be improved.
Dear Ji Hung,
thank you for this valuable feedback. We are glad that you liked Heidelberg and your stay at F+U, overall. I know that during break times the counter can get crowded as all students with questions are coming at the same time. We are currently developing a new system that allows us to put information online without exposing student data to sources not involved, hence making the administrative procedures more efficient and more easily accessible to our students. We value all feedback and take this as an incentive for further improvement.
I wish you all the best for your future studies!
My stay in Heidelberg and my course at F+U Academy Language Heidelberg was such a short time – only two weeks including two holidays (Christmas Day and New Year’s Day), which meant practically only 8 days. Still, it was a really excellent experience because of the excellent quality of teachers as well as the environment. In terms of helpfulness, the school staff and host family were excellent as well. Heidelberg is a beautiful town. I wish I could have stayed longer, and I hope to have another chance to study there again!
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...I had an excellent experience at F+U Heidelberg. The school is located on the main street of the town making really easy to find restaurants and shops. I had an excellent teacher, who was very professional and dedicated to her students. The school facilities are nice and clean. All the staff were very kind and helpful. I had an incredible stay at Heidelberg overall! Thank you F+U!
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...I was very pleased with the school and with the teacher who had been very good in involving us. For accommodations, I was not satisfied mainly for two reasons: First, the house was almost 40 minutes from the center of Heidelberg – you had to take a train and a bus. Secondly, I specified that I was going to take a course in English, but I was placed with a family where the mother did not speak a word of English, and communication was not present. However, the family was very kind.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...I liked my housing so much. It was really good and nice. I liked my teachers and classes. Just one dimension, it was sad when students always changed the classes. It was hard to find friends for long time.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...Regarding the course - I must say that in general, even just having two weeks was effective, and the learning material was quite demanding. Both of my teachers for private and group classes were enthusiastic and helpful, although I heard from other students that some of them got some weak teachers. Also, the balance between grammar and general linguistic studies was uneven, so I had to catch up with those in my private classes. I can not remember the name of my main teacher, but in the classes at least i learned a lot of new vocabulary every day and the lack of grammar was compensated by a lot of speaking practice.
So overall I am happy that I attended your course and I would classify it as a very effective language school.
I only had one week of German course, so I only learned the absolute basics, but still it was quite good. The courses are very interactive and the groups are small which encourages you to speak German a lot. Unfortunately the secretary and organisation were a bit chaotic. I followed the language course in a week when you could normally start at the beginning of the course, but when I arrived I ended up in a group who was already halfway the course. Also, the online test gives you a much higher level than your actual level, so you have to watch out.
The teachers were very good as well as the location (in the absolute center of Heidelberg). Every evening there was an activity organised by the school. I stayed with a friend who lives in Heidelberg, so I have no idea about the housing.
I certainly recommend Heidelberg as a city to study German, and I think F&U is a good language school. But you have to look out that you can join a class that starts with a course so you don't end up in a group that is already halfway of the course, because you miss a lot that way.
What I most liked, I will say, was the city itself. Heidelberg is a very nice place, with nature and many attractions. This city is not too far from others like Karlsruhe or Frankfurt. Globally, I liked all the teachers I had and the location of my residence. The location was very practical - not too far from the city center but far enough to be quiet.
The problems I saw are:
- The school isn't well organised but it passed for me;
- The maids didn't clean the public areas of the residence well. It happened many times that they didn't clean the bathrooms.
But in the end, it was a good experience :)
I liked all my teachers. The location was good. Actually, I liked everything about Heidelberg, but there weren't any activities.
I'd also like to thank the family who I stayed with - they were lovely, so my accommodation was very comfortable.
Dear Malek,
Thank you for your great feedback! It's great that you liked your classes and your host family.
We offer a weekly leisure activity program with one or two activities per day (trips outside of town on Saturdays). The activities are posted on our Facebook and throughout the school. In case you come back you should definitely check out the the activity program, the students really enjoy it.
In general, I liked everything. The facilities, teachers and especially Magdalena teacher. There were ten nationalities in my room and we were twelve students. They were fantastic. There was a large difference in age (I'm 58 years old) but they were super.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...Thank you for this great feedback! We will let Magdalena know how much you enjoyed your lessons with her.
F+U Academy of Languages Heidelberg. This is a great school, where can study German. I find this place awesome and also, I'm happy, that I visited this school. Heidelberg is very comfortable and beautiful town, where every person can do what they want.
About studying, I can say, that quality of teaching in F+U Academy is also good! I was there 11 weeks and I saw the level of studying there. I had 5 teachers. 2 of them were great, best teachers I have ever seen. And another 3 were also good.
So, I recommend this place for all guys, who want to try this school, who want to try to study there, I'm happy about this academy. Thank you F+U for good emotions and also thanks for my certificate B2-C1 ;)
Thank you for this review! It is great to hear that you liked your stay. It would be interested to know which teachers you were with so that we can forward your feedback to them, so feel free to let us know.
I really enjoyed the class first of all because of the small number of students (maximum 5 persons each lesson). Teachers were friendly and helpful and every lesson was clear and interesting. I liked the location (in the main street of the city center and easily reachable with the bus). Just a negative thing: it was not clear at the registration that books were not included in the original payments. Nevertheless, it has been a great experience for me.
Pokaż szczegóły » Dowiedz się więcej...Thank you for sharing! We are sorry to hear that you were not aware of the extra charges of the books. As some students choose to rent them rather than buy them we keep this option open and don't include the books in the fees. We will try to make this more clear in the future.
Zakwaterowanie domowe oferuje studentom możliwość nauczenia się więcej o lokalnej kulturze w przyjaznym otoczeniu podczas nauki języka Angielski !in Heidelberg. Domy często znajdują się w odległości 2 - 50 minut jazdy publicznym transportem od szkoły. Rodziny zapewniają zwykle przystępne opcje wyżywienia, które pozwalają Ci na poznanie lokalnej kuchni. Jeśli masz specjalne wymagania lub wymogi dietetyczne (z powodów religijnych lub zdrowotnych), powiadom nas o tym wcześniej. Twoje zakwaterowanie zaczyna się w niedzielę poprzedzającą pierwszy dzień zajęć i kończy w pierwszą sobotę po ostatnim dniu zajęć, chyba że zaznaczono inaczej. Dowiedz się więcej o zakwaterowaniu domowym
Host family category B without meals single room
Host family category B with breakfast single room
Host family category A without meals single room
Host family category A with breakfast single room
Host family category A with half-board single room
Host family category B without meals double room
Host family category B with breakfast double room
Host family category A without meals double room
Host family category B with half-board double room
Host family category A with breakfast double room
Host family category A with half-board double room
Akademiki są najwłaściwsze dla neizależnych uczniów, którzy szukają czaystego, prostego zakwaterowania w przystępnej cenie. Uczniowie muszą mieć 16+, chyba że zaznaczono inaczej. Twoje zakwaterowanie zaczyna się w niedzielę poprzedzającą pierwszy dzień zajęć i kończy w pierwszą sobotę po ostatnim dniu zajęć, chyba że zaznaczono inaczej. Akademiki często nie dystponują taryfami wyżywienia. Dowiedz się więcej o akademikach
Student residence category B double room - No meals
Nie możemy składać wniosków o wizę w imieniu uczniów. Jednakże, szkoła może dostarczyć Ci wszystkie wymagane dokumenty do złożenia takiego wniosku.
Twój list akceptacyjny będzie wysłany na Twój domowy adres za pomocą zwykłej poczty bez dodatkowych opłat.Jeśli chcesz otrzymać dokumenty przesyłką ekspresową, pobrana zostanie dodatkowa opłata w kwocie 90 € przy rejestracji.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Heidelberg based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Ucz się za granicą bezstresowo dzięki ubezpieczeniu zdrowotnemu i rzeczy osobistych Language International. Kiedy zamawiasz u nas kurs, możesz zdecydować sie na dodatkowy pakiet ubezpieczenia, który pokrywa nie tylko koszty opieki medycznej ale także ewentualną stratę rzeczy osobistych. Uwaga: ubezpieczenie trzeba zarezerwować z wyprzedzeniem.
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